Non-UA Affiliated

Non-affiliated Persons Wishing to Film on Campus

A permit or agreement is required for all filming at UA.

Procedures to Film on Campus

Filming Request

All persons wishing to film on the UA campus should fill out the Filming Request Form.

The filming request will be evaluated and a decision will be made based on the following factors:

  • Does it interfere with educational, research, program functions or previously scheduled events?
  • Does it pose a security or safety risk?
  • Does it compromise the privacy of any faculty, staff, student or visitor at UA?
  • Does it include any potential logistical problems?
  • Is it appropriate and protective of the intrinsic value of The University of Alabama name and deemed consistent with the University’s best interest?

A form should be submitted at least ten (10) working days prior to the planned filming.

Location Agreement

If the requestor is not affiliated with the University, or if a college/school, department or division is using an outside production company/producer/photographer for a project, the producer/production company must sign a Location Agreement, and provide a Certificate of Insurance to UA evidencing that the producer/production company has the following insurance policies:

  • General Liability Insurance with a deductible of not more than $1,000 and limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrences insuring against all liability of the Producer/Production Company and its authorized representatives arising out of or in connection with the use and occupancy of the location
  • Property Damage Liability Insurance with a deductible of not more than $2,500, and a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence
  • Adequate Workmen’s Compensation Insurance
  • Adequate Automobile Insurance

A Location Agreement will be sent electronically to the producer/production company after review and approval of the filming request.

No filming by a non-UA affiliated individual or organization can take place at UA without the execution of a Location Agreement by both the producer/production company and UA.

Grounds Use Permit

All persons wishing to film outdoors at UA must complete an application for a Grounds Use Permit.

A GUP should be submitted at least ten (10) working days prior to the planned filming.

A GUP is necessary for logistical purposes including avoiding scheduling conflicts with others who may also want to use the same area, ensuring that groundskeeping is notified (to clean the area, remove trash, turn off sprinklers, etc.), and informing UAPD of the filming.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Registration

The use of UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems), also referred to as drones, for filming at The University of Alabama will only be allowed under limited circumstances, and is highly discouraged. Policies, requirements and forms related to UAS use are posted on the Unmanned Aircraft Systems portion of the Compliance website.

Due to UA’s proximity to the Tuscaloosa National Airport, and two helipads, one of which serves DCH Regional Medical Center, the main campus is considered restricted airspace by the Federal Aviation Administration.

All flights of UAS are prohibited on University properties during all outside events, including but not limited to:

  • Any sporting or athletic event, including games, practices, and any other associated outside activities
  • Game day, game day weekends, or any other game day related events, including A-Day
  • Any group or outside social events, including concerts, ceremonies, Bid Day, and/or events associated with Week of Welcome
  • University parades on or off campus property
  • Scheduled group events, including graduation


Permit fees and location fees are sometimes charged and will be based on a number of variables: length of the shoot, locations involved, type of production and UA services needed.

In certain limited instances a permit to film may be issued and a fee waiver may be granted for uses such as public service announcements or for films/photographs being used for promotion of a UA college/school, department or division.

  1. Permit Fees: These fees are based on the type of production ranging from local productions to regional and national productions. The minimum fee is $500. Other forms of media are not exempt from this fee and will be handled on a case by case basis.
  2. Location Fees: Location fees are charged in addition to permit fees and are charged per day. These location fees do not include fees for University services such as UAPD, Parking and Transportation, Facilities and Grounds. The actual cost for those services will be added to the total production cost.
    • $250: Classrooms and hallways
    • $350: Exteriors

University of Alabama Identification and Appropriate Use of Campus Images

Identification of The University of Alabama as the filming location, use of the University’s name, logo or brand is not permitted, except in rare instances and only when the specific use is submitted for prior approval to the Division of Strategic Communications. The request will be reviewed by Trademark Licensing, Strategic Communications, the Vice President for Finance and Operations and the President’s Office. The request will only be approved when deemed to be in the University’s best interest.

Identification includes but is not limited to trademarks, icons, widely recognizable University landmarks, and the use of merchandise containing trademarked images/logos (ie. apparel, flags, posters, miscellaneous items containing logo, etc.) Identification also includes verbal references on film.

Payments and Deposits

If fees or charges are applied, The University has the option to require a deposit before a permit or agreement will be granted. The deposit is to be received no less than five business days prior to the beginning of the first day of shooting on campus.

Full payment for all costs incurred is due to the University within thirty (30) days of the date of the final invoice.


If written notice of cancellation for an approved permit or agreement is received before the production begins, then the production is liable for any actual costs incurred by the University as of the receipt of the cancellation notice.

The University shall have the right of cancellation if the Permit or Location Agreement holder is deemed insolvent, or, in UA’s sole opinion, shall fail to perform any material term in the Agreement after having received written notice from the University to do so.

Script Review

A copy of the final script (storyboards might be acceptable and judgment will be determined on a case by case basis) must be submitted for review. The review process can take up to ten (10) working days. Any changes or revisions should be brought to the attention of the Division of Strategic Communications. Substantive script changes could cause the University to withdraw its permission.

In only rare cases will a Permit or Location Agreement be issued without a script.

Scout Visits

Scout visits are not only helpful to the production, but also helpful to the University in order to clearly determine the needs of the production. A request for a scout visit should be made to the manager of broadcast media relations at

If a scout visit is scheduled, the manager of broadcast media relations will advise you on making your time on campus most effective and will also coordinate all logistics for you during your shoot.

Permission for scout visits does not constitute approval by the University for the use of its facilities.


Questions about filming at UA or these procedures should be directed to Stephanie Pettis, assistant director of communications, at