The Division of Strategic Communication’s marketing department partners with colleges, divisions and campus entities to develop projects that align with institutional priorities and strategic goals.
Who We Are
Our team brings a wealth of expertise to strategic marketing plans for The University of Alabama. We leverage our professional experience and certifications, while maintaining a keen awareness of industry trends and best practices.
In addition to promoting the University brand, Where Legends Are Made, we offer a variety of services to campus partners to aide in the development and execution of innovative marketing strategies. For larger projects spanning multiple departments within the Division of Strategic Communications, a designated marketing professional will serve as project manager. This ensures a seamless collaboration across the division, guiding projects to completion.
Leverage Our Expertise
- Copywriting and content creation
- Data analysis
- Digital marketing consultation
- Institutional voice expertise
- Market research
- Proofreading and editing
- Project management
- Strategic planning

Meet Our Team

Need help with a marketing project?
As stewards of the University’s brand, we are ready to collaborate on your marketing needs.
If you are considering a project or have questions about services, please schedule a consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some examples of recent projects the marketing department has facilitated?
- Where Legends Are Made digital ads, print ads, billboards and even a sky writing airplane over the Rose Bowl stadium
- Print and digital marketing to recruit prospective undergraduate and graduate students
- Advancement print and digital materials for Bama Blitz, We Are UA, Rising Tide and other campaigns
- Welcome Center content development and grand opening promotions
- University of Alabama Police Department recruitment campaign
- Capstone Village print and digital marketing
- Fleet Services digital marketing campaign
Is there a cost for marketing services?
No, campus partners pay nothing for services performed by our teams in Strategic Communications. For example, if we consult with you on a Google digital ads campaign or design a new print brochure, you will pay nothing for our services. You will only be responsible for the ad spend in Google or the printing done by the vendor of your choice.
How do I request help from the marketing team?
Please email or call Tabitha Bostick at After she is clear on the project needs and confirms we’re able to deliver on your expectations, a marketing coordinator will be assigned to oversee the project.
What can I expect once the marketing department confirms they can help with my project?
Depending on the scope of the project, the marketing coordinator assigned to your project may schedule a meeting attended by internal and external stakeholders. Smaller projects may not require this, but projects that involve multiple areas of Strategic Communications very likely will. The marketing coordinator will create a project in our project management tool, Basecamp, where project related communication will take place. Tasks will be assigned with due dates, and every effort will be made to keep the project moving according to plan. Due to the size of our team compared to the size of the University community, we are not able to offer immediate turnaround.
How long does an average project take?
Every project is different, and the timeline depends on the complexity of your needs. Advanced planning is crucial to the Marketing team being able to assist. Following is an approximate guideline of how long to expect when design assistance is a component of your request. This timeline does not account for the development of the content (copywriting) which can often times take several weeks, or longer if the copy must be approved by multiple decision-makers in your department. If copywriting assistance is needed, add a minimum of four weeks to this timeline.
- Advertisements: 3 to 4 weeks
- Tabloids: 7 weeks
- Booklets or brochures: 8 to 12 weeks
- Posters: 10 weeks
- Annual reports and magazines: 16 weeks
- Web graphics: 2 to 3 weeks
I have existing print or digital materials. Can the marketing department look at them and share ideas for improvements?
Yes! We are happy to partner with you in this way. Email your request to Tabitha Bostick at
I've heard about brand approval and budget approval. How does this affect me?
Any marketing, advertising or promotional item that costs $15,000 or more requires budget approval. It's an easy process and doesn't take long. Submit the online form and you will typically receive an approval notification via email within a few hours. For questions about the budget approval process, please email
The department of brand strategy is responsible for maintaining the integrity of The University of Alabama brand. The role of the director of brand strategy includes reviewing all external marketing and advertising collateral submitted through the branding and licensing approval form. Your item must be submitted for approval regardless of cost, but if the cost is $15,000 or more you will attach your proof of budget approval to your branding and licensing approval form. For questions about the brand approval process, please email
What's the deal with the blue, yellow and brown personality I keep hearing about?
In 2016-17, The University of Alabama partnered with Carnegie Dartlet to come to a precise understanding of UA’s identity (definition of self) and how best to convey it (storytelling). Carnegie Dartlet led consensus-driven research with stakeholders on campus to define The University of Alabama’s personality and positioning strategy. These workshops included faculty, staff, students, alumni and senior leaders. Carnegie Dartlet’s proprietary research methods focus on defining the human personality of the institution, and translating these insights into effective storytelling. This messaging deliverable is the culmination of rigorous, collaborative work to discover and define The University of Alabama’s true sense of self, and create a master narrative for decades to come.
Through this research, UA’s brand personality was defined as blue (influential leader), yellow (progressive transformer) and brown (determined contender). Learn more about UA’s brand personality and find helpful resources to help you master writing in our institutional voice at
I've written some copy. Can someone proofread it and help elevate the institutional voice?
Absolutely! Institutional voice is our specialty. Email your request to Tabitha Bostick at