Submit News

Share News or Announcements

Faculty, staff and students can use the Submit News Form to submit items to be considered for one or more of the following:

Non-UA faculty, staff and students can share news and items for consideration by emailing

Things to Know

  • Please submit the form as far in advance as possible in order to give staff time to review, edit, follow-up and publish or distribute the item in a timely manner.
  • Submissions for Inside UA newsletters must be received by noon on the Monday prior to each Wednesday edition in order to be considered for that week’s newsletter.
  • All content submitted will be reviewed for accuracy and grammar and may be edited to conform to UA style guidelines.
  • The department of communications takes great care in reviewing content submissions and finding the best channels for them. If your submitted item is fitting for the UA News Center and/or a media release, one of our team members will contact you or the source.
  • If your submitted item is fitting for Inside UA, we will reach out only if we need more information or to make substantial edits. Otherwise, look for your item in an upcoming issue of the newsletter.
  • Submissions made using this form are not added to the UA Events Calendar. To submit an event for the calendar, use the event submission form.
  • For follow up questions about your submitted item, contact